Regular Log Book servicing is an important part of keeping all aspects of your vehicle working efficiently and safely as it allows your Kununurra 4WD Spares mechanic to keep a close eye on things and spot any issues before they become potentially serious problems.
The nature of a vehicle's use means that many components are under stress through normal operation, and this alone can be enough to cause problems. A good example of this are your suspension system and shock absorbers. Normal wear and tear can mean your suspension system no longer performs as well as it should and in some situations damage can be caused to the suspension or shock absorbers which impacts the overall performance of those systems.
Regularly driving over rough roads (or even off road) can cause problems with your suspension over time, whilst hitting unexpected pot holes or the curb might cause problems suddenly.
Your vehicle's "stopping, steering and stability" all rely on your suspension system being up to the task. It is so much more than whether you have a comfortable ride or not, it comes down to the safety of your passengers too. Our authorised service technicians are fully qualified to identify and repair brake, suspension, steering and shock absorber faults.
So book your car in now for a Suspension or shock absorber service with Kununurra 4WD Spares...